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We’re publishing obscure books from the public domain!

What could be more fun?

For the foreseeable future, we’ll be releasing Varney the Vampyre, which was originally serialized from 1845-1847, but will now be serialized from 2023-2024. Over 96 chapters, we’ll come to see the origin of most tropes present in vampire fiction.

We’re aiming for a biweekly schedule, which means we should be finished in about 48 weeks.

If enough people sign up and begin reading, I may also add conversation threads and so on for people to discuss the book or other out of print books in the public domain that could use a revival.

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Subscribe to In the Public Domain

Republishing Obscure Books from the public domain.


Personal essays masquerading as reviews about games, books, movies, and whatever strikes my fancy. Also, serialized fiction and short stories.